The creators of a software package called D5 Render expressed interest in having their program evaluated by the MIT Architecture group. Their official website is, where you can find download links and features. The authors report that it is fully compatible with Rhino and Revit, as well as other design applications.
Please let STOA know if you would like more information.
GIS Related Applications
QGIS : Open Source GIS
Download latest version here:
- You agree not to share this software with anyone.
- You agree to all other specific terms in the license agreement.
- You must run this software whilst on MIT campus or connected to MIT network via VPN.
ArcGIS Download
Note: ESRI products are Windows only. If a Macintosh user, you can run them either under BootCamp or VMware, or over a Citrix connection.
Windows users can download and configure ArcGIS from this page: After downloading, please follow instructions found on same page.
As the STOA license requires a connection to the MIT network (i.e. a VPN connection if off campus), the licensing server may not be available in countries where VPN services are restricted.