
The creators of a software package called D5 Render expressed interest in having their program evaluated by the MIT Architecture group.  Their official website is, where you can find download links and features.  The authors report that it is fully compatible with Rhino and Revit, as well as other design applications.

Please let STOA know if you would like more information.

Adobe Creative Cloud

All MIT faculty, students, and staff can access the Adobe Creative Cloud suite by entering an address at and authenticating through Touchstone Authentication

Note: If you already have an Adobe Creative Cloud account using your address, you will see two options when you log in to

  • Personal account – This is your non-MIT licensed account, using your personal email address and password.
  • Company or school account – This is your Touchstone-enabled MIT account, using your Kerberos credentials.

If your account was provided by MIT, use the Touchstone-enabled “company or school” account. If you paid for your Adobe subscription youself, it will continue working under your personal account as long as your subscription remains current.

More information about MIT’s Creative Cloud Offering can be found here: